Articles with Category 'UFO Phenomenon'

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28.12 - MU Podcast - Saturn's Golden Age
28.12 - MU Podcast - Saturn's Golden Age
28.12 IOct 01, 2022

28.12 - MU Podcast - Saturn's Golden Age

A young man overwhelmed with the pain of a terrible accident makes a deal with a dark being on an alien planet. He...

26.12 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Karma Therapy
26.12 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Karma Therapy
+26.12 ISep 27, 2022

26.12 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Karma Therapy

Whether preordained by fate or simply though coincidence the tide seems to be turning for some modern medical professionals on the topics of...

28.11 - MU Podcast - Genie in the Typewriter
28.11 - MU Podcast - Genie in the Typewriter
28.11 ISep 23, 2022

28.11 - MU Podcast - Genie in the Typewriter

Do humans have an innate knowledge of the true fabric of reality? Why is it that some experiencers of precognition get enough details...

28.10 - MU Podcast - Angry Storm God
28.10 - MU Podcast - Angry Storm God
28.10 ISep 17, 2022

28.10 - MU Podcast - Angry Storm God

An ancient and secretive society that hides in the inner circles of modern Freemasonry may be attempting to bring about a New World...

28.09 - MU Podcast - The Welsh Pyramid
28.09 - MU Podcast - The Welsh Pyramid
28.09 ISep 10, 2022

28.09 - MU Podcast - The Welsh Pyramid

A strange event descended upon a sleepy Welsh town in early 2016 when what started as a mild annoyance of aircraft noise exploded...
